i still do

it’s a celebration of oneness and intentionality in living our vows every single day. a commitment to making our moments into something meaningful, even when the going gets tough. an understanding that it’s not always going to feel this good. but through strive comes growth.

i still do

it may not always be glamorous, but it’s real.

there was a time when we looked forward to this.

one day we will look back on this and laugh.

our differences compliment one another beautifully if we allow them to.

the wear and tear add character – it’s evidence of a life that was lived.

it can be over in an instant, and all we can do is enjoy it while it lasts.

i am blessed beyond measure to have you by my side.

. . .

it is a privilege to get to know and work with couples who are as excited about marriage as we are!

your story is beautiful. we would be honored to tell it.

get in touch!